(I believe that a community like Lipat Kajang should have a Resource and Information Centre where the place is used as a library, a computer centre, and a mini museum. Or any other use for which it helps to make the society a knowledge based society.)
Pada pandangan saya yang tidak seberapa ini, eloklah di wujudkan satu Pusat Sumber yang juga digunakan sebagai Pusat Maklumat di Lipat Kajang sekiranya Pusat demikian belum lagi di tubuhkan (Saya tidak tahu sebenarnya keadaan pada masa sekarang jika Pusat itu wujud atau tidak). Wujudnya Pusat demikian mestilah didalam pengetahuan semua warga kampong serta pelawat-pelawat ke kampong supaya ianya betul-betul berfaedah kepada mesyarakat dan pelawat dan jangan pulak untuk sebahagian daripada mesyarakat kampong sahaja saperti yang kerap berlaku di dalam mesyarakat yang terpencil saperti ini. Tidak hairanlah di sesetengah mesyarakat, kuasa di pegang oleh orang-orang tertentu sahaja kerana sumber dan maklumat di pegang oleh mereka.sahaja. Di zaman kini perkara sedemikian tidak seharusnya berlaku kerana maklumat boleh di perolehi dari mana-mana sumber-sumber lain yang di luar pegetahuan mereka yang tertentu itu. Oleh yang demikian berlakulah tidak kepuasan hati yang membelahkan mesyarakat.
Pusat Sumber/Maklumat itu, pada pandangan saya, perlu mengadungi rekod-rekod kampong dan penduduk2 nya (yang bukan diangap ‘sulit’ atau pun menyentuh peribadi), sumber-sumber maklumat kampong yang lain yang harus di ketahui oleh mesyarakat sekampong. Juga perlu sebagai pusat rujukan. Elok juga jika di masukkan satu perpustakaan yang mengandungi buku-buku dan majallah yang tertentu untuk kepentingan kampong, yang mana seharusnya mesyarakat kampong berusaha untuk mendapatkan dengan sendiri, terpulang kepada citarasa mereka, atau pun dapat dari sumbangan luar. Seharusnya juga buku-buku itu tidak terhad kepada satu-satu subjek sahaja kerana maklumat yang luar dan yang lain perlu di ketahui oleh mesyarakat sekampong, tanpa batasan asalkan ianya tidak menjejas peribadi atau kebudayaan mesyarakat kampong. Seharus nya maklumat-maklumat itu tidak di tapis roleh mana-mana perseorangan luar dari mesyarakat kampong.
Selaian dari buku-buku dan majalah-majalah, elok juga di tempatkan komputer-komputer serta ‘line’ internet di situ untuk kegunaan mesyarakat kampong yang ingin menggunakan kemudahan internet, tanpa bayaran. Untuk kegunaan banyak alat-alat komputer ‘router’ boleh di gunakan, Sungguk pun akan mengurangkan keupayaan kelajuan internet tetapi ini akan selalunya tidak menjadi masaalah. Mungkin mesyarakat kampong boleh meminta pembiayaan dari ahli atau anak-anak Lipat Kajang yang mampu menolong membayar yuran bulanan internet itu.
Disamping itu pula perlu juga di wujudkan maklumat atau sumber bagi kaum wanita, yang kebanyakan mereka di kampong adalah sangat berkurangan sumber maklumat pada pengetahuan saya. Dengan kemudahan demikian boleh lah wanita-wanita kampong mendapat lebih maklumat serta maklumat yang mendalam untuk menjadi lebih bahagia kehidupan mereka serta famili mereka.
Perlu juga pusat ini di gunakan sebagai musium bagi menempatkan sejarah-sejarah kampong serta maklumat tentang kejayaan yang telah di capai di kampong Lipat Kjanag ini.
Tentu sekali semua harta bilik sumber/maklumat ini perlu di jaga dengan rapi bagi mengelakan dari kehilangan aset. Mungkin di tugaskan seorang atau lebih ahli JKKK untuk bertanggung jawab kepada Pusat ini.
Yang saya tulis ini hanya lah idea yang keluar secara sepontan tanpa berfikir dengan panjang lebar. Mungkin juga fikiran saya ini bertentangan dengan kehendak kampong, dan jika demikian boleh lah fikiran saya ini di abaikan. Tetapi sekiranya berguna, mungkin dapat lagi fikiran yang lebih bernas di kemukakan oleh orang lain untuk kebaikan Lipat Kajang. Dan kemudian boleh lah di laksanakan.
Saya bersedia menolong di mana yang perlu dan saya percaya anak-anak Lipat Kajang yang lain di luar dan di dalam boleh memberi kerjasama.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Link (Rangkaian)
(The links to this Lipat Kajang blog are important links, ‘kuantan apartment’ and ‘surau AnNaim’ specific; not on those blogs themselves persay but on the links to those blogs. Those links to ‘kuantan apartments’ are thoughts of some Pahang people who are not in the mainstream of life in Pahang, and in the ‘surau AnNaim’ are on some Islamic subjects for which many folks in Lipat Kajang might not have been exposed to yet).
Didalam blog Lipat Kajang ini saya telah memasukkan dua lagi ‘site’ sebagai ‘Link’ yang saya menjadi penulis nya. Ia itu ‘Kuantan Apartment’ dan ‘Surau AnNaim’.
Bagi ‘Kuantan Apartment’ itu, bukan lah tujuan saya untuk menceritakan berkenaan dengan ‘Kuantan Apartment’ itu sebenarnya, tetapi adalah terlebih kepada ‘Link’ yang tertera di petak sebelah kiri blog itu. ‘Link’ atau rangkaian itu menunjukkan senarai blog-blog orang lain yang terdapat di Negeri Pahang ini (dekat bawah di petak kiri). Sekiranya ingin mengetahui perkembangan terkini yang lain selain dari siaran TV atau radio atau surat-surat khabar tempatan silalah layari blog-blog di dalam ‘Link’ itu. Apa yang terdapat tertulis didalam blog-blog itu mungkin berbeza daripada yang di dengar dalam siaran TV atau radio atau di dalam surat–surat kahabar tempatan. Buah fikiran pembaca akan lebih berkembang dan nilai baru perkembangan terkini boleh di perolehi. Minda boleh di beri tumpuan kepada perkara-perkara yang mungkin belum terfikir pada masa masa yang lampau.
Dan didalam blog saya ‘Surau AnNaim’ saya telah dapat memasukkan beberapa rakaman tazkirah oleh Ustaz-Ustaz terpilih yang datang ke Surau itu. Sungguh pun bilangan rakaman tazkirah-tazkirah itu terhad tetapi itu boleh lah menjadi petanda atau garis pandu tetang kemajuan tazkirah dan usrah di luar dari Lipat Kajang. Juga saya telah memasukkan ‘Link’ atau ‘Rangkaian’ di petak kanan di mana saya telah menyeraikan semua ‘Link’ atau ‘Rangkaian’ yang saya dapat didalam internet berkenaan dengan Islam dan juga ‘recording’ (rakaman) bagi banyak usrah dan tazkirah di tanah air pada masa kini. Saya percaya semua ‘Link’ yang berkenaan adalah berguna kepada pembaca dari Lipat Kajang. Selama ini banyak usrah dan tazkirah itu tidak pernah di dengar di Lipat Kajang, tetapi dengan ‘Link’ yang saya kemukakan didalam blog-blog itu boleh lah banyak usrah dan tazkirah di dengar. Tidak timbul masaalah ‘miminta kebenaran’.
Say berharap ‘Link-Link’ yang saya kemukakan ini adalah berguna kepada Lipat Kajang, dan akan memberi nikmat serta satu peluang untuk membuka minda pembaca dari kampong yang kami cintai itu.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Didalam blog Lipat Kajang ini saya telah memasukkan dua lagi ‘site’ sebagai ‘Link’ yang saya menjadi penulis nya. Ia itu ‘Kuantan Apartment’ dan ‘Surau AnNaim’.
Bagi ‘Kuantan Apartment’ itu, bukan lah tujuan saya untuk menceritakan berkenaan dengan ‘Kuantan Apartment’ itu sebenarnya, tetapi adalah terlebih kepada ‘Link’ yang tertera di petak sebelah kiri blog itu. ‘Link’ atau rangkaian itu menunjukkan senarai blog-blog orang lain yang terdapat di Negeri Pahang ini (dekat bawah di petak kiri). Sekiranya ingin mengetahui perkembangan terkini yang lain selain dari siaran TV atau radio atau surat-surat khabar tempatan silalah layari blog-blog di dalam ‘Link’ itu. Apa yang terdapat tertulis didalam blog-blog itu mungkin berbeza daripada yang di dengar dalam siaran TV atau radio atau di dalam surat–surat kahabar tempatan. Buah fikiran pembaca akan lebih berkembang dan nilai baru perkembangan terkini boleh di perolehi. Minda boleh di beri tumpuan kepada perkara-perkara yang mungkin belum terfikir pada masa masa yang lampau.
Dan didalam blog saya ‘Surau AnNaim’ saya telah dapat memasukkan beberapa rakaman tazkirah oleh Ustaz-Ustaz terpilih yang datang ke Surau itu. Sungguh pun bilangan rakaman tazkirah-tazkirah itu terhad tetapi itu boleh lah menjadi petanda atau garis pandu tetang kemajuan tazkirah dan usrah di luar dari Lipat Kajang. Juga saya telah memasukkan ‘Link’ atau ‘Rangkaian’ di petak kanan di mana saya telah menyeraikan semua ‘Link’ atau ‘Rangkaian’ yang saya dapat didalam internet berkenaan dengan Islam dan juga ‘recording’ (rakaman) bagi banyak usrah dan tazkirah di tanah air pada masa kini. Saya percaya semua ‘Link’ yang berkenaan adalah berguna kepada pembaca dari Lipat Kajang. Selama ini banyak usrah dan tazkirah itu tidak pernah di dengar di Lipat Kajang, tetapi dengan ‘Link’ yang saya kemukakan didalam blog-blog itu boleh lah banyak usrah dan tazkirah di dengar. Tidak timbul masaalah ‘miminta kebenaran’.
Say berharap ‘Link-Link’ yang saya kemukakan ini adalah berguna kepada Lipat Kajang, dan akan memberi nikmat serta satu peluang untuk membuka minda pembaca dari kampong yang kami cintai itu.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Collection of Photographs.
To make this blog more interesting, I have made efforts to upload photographs into “Slide”. These photographs I have uploaded are all which I have personally taken or collected (except for a few which I borrowed from my contacts in the kampong). And I now need more help from all those concerned.
It will greatly enhance the collection of photographs if I may borrow some more old photographs of people (or scenery) in bygone years so that I may scan them and upload them into the blog. I may even try to start a Photo Album on the internet if I receive too many photographs to be uploaded into this blog.
The way to send the photographs to me are either by scanning these photoes yourself (which is preferred) and send me the soft copy to my e-mail address or by using optical discs (via normal snail mail) or a thumb drive (but a thumb drive is expensive). Or to send me the hard original copy (which I don’t encourage). I shall give the address to send them to if you will privately e-mail me.
I may from time to time go back to the kampong to see the ‘old place’. And if you catch me then then I shall make efforts to visit and discuss matters related to these historical photoes. Or if you would like to present me with the photoes at anytime, just give me a phone call and I shall make effort to return to the kampong over any weekend.
I also understand that there are people in the kampong who want to relate their life achievements in writing for all the folks in the kampong to read. I shall be pleased to receive such document, I shall edit them and I shall write them down (as a soft copy) and send back the original written copy along with the soft copy for editing by the writer.
Your assistance will greatly enhance our common blog. This is the only document to date which I know of which give some very loose information about our kampong. Of course if anyone knows of any other, I shall be pleased to listen to or to have discussion over them.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
It will greatly enhance the collection of photographs if I may borrow some more old photographs of people (or scenery) in bygone years so that I may scan them and upload them into the blog. I may even try to start a Photo Album on the internet if I receive too many photographs to be uploaded into this blog.
The way to send the photographs to me are either by scanning these photoes yourself (which is preferred) and send me the soft copy to my e-mail address or by using optical discs (via normal snail mail) or a thumb drive (but a thumb drive is expensive). Or to send me the hard original copy (which I don’t encourage). I shall give the address to send them to if you will privately e-mail me.
I may from time to time go back to the kampong to see the ‘old place’. And if you catch me then then I shall make efforts to visit and discuss matters related to these historical photoes. Or if you would like to present me with the photoes at anytime, just give me a phone call and I shall make effort to return to the kampong over any weekend.
I also understand that there are people in the kampong who want to relate their life achievements in writing for all the folks in the kampong to read. I shall be pleased to receive such document, I shall edit them and I shall write them down (as a soft copy) and send back the original written copy along with the soft copy for editing by the writer.
Your assistance will greatly enhance our common blog. This is the only document to date which I know of which give some very loose information about our kampong. Of course if anyone knows of any other, I shall be pleased to listen to or to have discussion over them.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
What happens to Jawi?

Except for a few specific places, I have observed that Jawi is not commonly used in Kampong Lipat Kajang. Why is this so? It may not be commonly used in other places in Malaysia as well, but why not make it commonly used in Lipat Kajang, for example in the names of ‘precints’ and local roadways.
Jawi (the Malay version of the Arabic alphabet) had always been the traditional writings of the Malays. But for decades now that writing (and reading) has been neglected because of some sort of Government policy where the learnings and the usage if Jawi is not encouraged. But Jawi is very useful because it forms the basis of learning on how to read the Koraan (that Koraan as written in the original Arabic writings). It also forms the basis on how to read the old ‘kitab’ (many of these ‘kitab’ were written and produced by very learned and dedicated Malays Islamic religious people), these ‘kitabs’ being written to make the religion of Islam to be better understood by the local population as the words were all written (mostly handwritten) in classic Malay Jawi. And these ‘kitab’ has wealth of knowledge in Islam in them.
If only the people of Lipat Kajang will respect their roots and start putting signs everywhere in Jawi in addition to their romanised writings.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Respects (for other’s properties) and trust.
This is an area which I feel that the people of Lipat Kajang has got to understand (fully). Living in a close kampong community like ours (and currently there are very minimal number of ‘outsiders’ living among the community), we tend to feel that what belongs to others (who may be our very close blood relation) may also belong to us. Not knowing that the others have worked hard (and scratch their brains) to come out with ideas and products which they have to invest money and time to make those ideas visible and viable.
And people plant fruit trees waiting for the plant/trees to bear fruits, but when the fruits have arrived they get taken away by person/persons unknown. People tap rubber trees hoping to sell the latex for cash for a decent living. But the latex gets stolen in the middle of the night. People rear fish hoping that they can catch the fish for marketing, to earn a small amount of cash (very small in most cases) but the fish got trapped away in time unknown.
These are examples which I can think of presently, but there may be more examples as and when I think further about the challenges in living in a small kampong community, a community that rely on trust among friends and close relatives. Do we have that respects and trust in Lipat Kajang? I believe that we have, but we must also be aware if anyone of us breaks the rule of ‘respect and trust’.
These are small aspects of ‘respect and trust’ thrust to us in the kampong against when compared to some other rural or urban communities where people run away with other people’s wives or daughters, or even small children. And in more modern society people use other people money (charitable collections for example) to enrich themselves. If ever it happens to us (Allah forbid) in our kampong community, then we need and have to go back to the basic of the religion of Islam for which 100% of us in the kampong subscribe to.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
And people plant fruit trees waiting for the plant/trees to bear fruits, but when the fruits have arrived they get taken away by person/persons unknown. People tap rubber trees hoping to sell the latex for cash for a decent living. But the latex gets stolen in the middle of the night. People rear fish hoping that they can catch the fish for marketing, to earn a small amount of cash (very small in most cases) but the fish got trapped away in time unknown.
These are examples which I can think of presently, but there may be more examples as and when I think further about the challenges in living in a small kampong community, a community that rely on trust among friends and close relatives. Do we have that respects and trust in Lipat Kajang? I believe that we have, but we must also be aware if anyone of us breaks the rule of ‘respect and trust’.
These are small aspects of ‘respect and trust’ thrust to us in the kampong against when compared to some other rural or urban communities where people run away with other people’s wives or daughters, or even small children. And in more modern society people use other people money (charitable collections for example) to enrich themselves. If ever it happens to us (Allah forbid) in our kampong community, then we need and have to go back to the basic of the religion of Islam for which 100% of us in the kampong subscribe to.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Tourists (Pelancong)
Now that I see a few people in Lipat Kajang who are thinking of going into homestay, I thought I will put down my views of tourists (pelancong). This is just my private views, not found in any textbook, and from what I observe of tourists coming this way and from what I experienced when I became a tourist.
Tourists are visitors, your non relatives.
Tourists want to see other people’s country and the culture. (Local tourists want to see how others live)
Touists are fussy people, they want o have the same facilities and ammenities as what they are used to in their own country. (They want clean running water, good toilet facilities and clean environment. No foul smell ……… to their nose)
Tourists like to see nature. The more natural the better (but must be clean and meet their expectations)
Tourists are sensitive to personal questions about their lives (and their earnings).
Tourist s expect you to communicate with them in the language that they understand.
Tourists like to read books.
Tourist are non-political.*
Tourists are non-religion.*
(*Don’t talk to them about local politic or the religion that you believe in)
Tourist need quiet scenery.
Punctuality (and keeping of promises) is a good habit when treating tourists.
Tourists need clear instructions on what can be done and what cannot be done.
In a emergency, tourists must know exactly what to do, and the responsibility for this is with the host.
Tourists are very concerned about hygiene (of the local)
Tourists never (99.9% of the case) get emotionally attached to locals.
Many tourists are allergic to insect (mosquitoes and flies especially) and hot sweaty weather (even local or Asians).
Female tourists are more fussy than male tourists.
Many tourists like the beach.
Tourists have a lot of money.
Tourists want to see big towns and cities (and shopping complexes)
Tourists can live like the locals.
Tourists can eat local food even if its very hot (pedas)
Tourists like to buy souvenirs.
Tourists are easy target for sexual harassment. (Single female going about are “asking for it”).
All couples (not all) going together (sleep together) are married.
Tourists are all healthy people.
Tourists understand English.
Tourists carry with them a lot of luggage.
Backpacker tourists are either uneducated or poor.
Tourists like to be talked to.
Tourists are easy going people.
Tourists stay long in one place (that they like).*
(*They may make a return visit or their friends may come for short stay).
Tourists never get angry.
Tourists pay all bills.
Tourists do not cheat.
Tourists from the Middle East have a lot of money.
Only rich tourists go shopping (but Malaysian are the exceptions, even poorer tourists go shopping when they are in other people’s country).
Married couples seems more loving than unmarried couples (except for Asians)
Many Asian (not all) like noisy places.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Tourists are visitors, your non relatives.
Tourists want to see other people’s country and the culture. (Local tourists want to see how others live)
Touists are fussy people, they want o have the same facilities and ammenities as what they are used to in their own country. (They want clean running water, good toilet facilities and clean environment. No foul smell ……… to their nose)
Tourists like to see nature. The more natural the better (but must be clean and meet their expectations)
Tourists are sensitive to personal questions about their lives (and their earnings).
Tourist s expect you to communicate with them in the language that they understand.
Tourists like to read books.
Tourist are non-political.*
Tourists are non-religion.*
(*Don’t talk to them about local politic or the religion that you believe in)
Tourist need quiet scenery.
Punctuality (and keeping of promises) is a good habit when treating tourists.
Tourists need clear instructions on what can be done and what cannot be done.
In a emergency, tourists must know exactly what to do, and the responsibility for this is with the host.
Tourists are very concerned about hygiene (of the local)
Tourists never (99.9% of the case) get emotionally attached to locals.
Many tourists are allergic to insect (mosquitoes and flies especially) and hot sweaty weather (even local or Asians).
Female tourists are more fussy than male tourists.
Many tourists like the beach.
Tourists have a lot of money.
Tourists want to see big towns and cities (and shopping complexes)
Tourists can live like the locals.
Tourists can eat local food even if its very hot (pedas)
Tourists like to buy souvenirs.
Tourists are easy target for sexual harassment. (Single female going about are “asking for it”).
All couples (not all) going together (sleep together) are married.
Tourists are all healthy people.
Tourists understand English.
Tourists carry with them a lot of luggage.
Backpacker tourists are either uneducated or poor.
Tourists like to be talked to.
Tourists are easy going people.
Tourists stay long in one place (that they like).*
(*They may make a return visit or their friends may come for short stay).
Tourists never get angry.
Tourists pay all bills.
Tourists do not cheat.
Tourists from the Middle East have a lot of money.
Only rich tourists go shopping (but Malaysian are the exceptions, even poorer tourists go shopping when they are in other people’s country).
Married couples seems more loving than unmarried couples (except for Asians)
Many Asian (not all) like noisy places.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Balai Raya @ Lipat Kajang.

I was very familiar with the first Balai Raya in Lipat Kajang, because we used to play marbles in it. When they demolished that old Balai Raya, to build a newer Balai Raya, new design, new material and new structure, I used to go there often, to watch our people playing ‘terup keling’. But most of all when the Sultan had his annual visit to the kampong we were there to watch the ‘joget’ girls performing their ‘joget’ with the men of the kampong or dancing with the Sultan accompanied by an old violin player.
Somehow I lost track of time, I was busy with my career and my family, and when I woke up I found that they have shifted the Balai Raya to somewhere near Tanjong Perian (one of our precints), upland and a distance of about half a kilometer from the old Balai Raya. I observed that they even has the Penghulus’ office in that newer Balai Raya. And some people also built shop houses selling provisions close to it whilst another shop buying rubber sheets and scrap (in those days they made rubber into rubber sheets though they have stopped that practice now). Fine by me.
That Balai Raya is now a kindergarten.

And as time goes by I found that they have closed that newer Balai Raya, they also have built a Penghulu’s office complex near the Kampong School (Sekolah Kebangsaan Lipat Kajang) and if I am not mistaken they have built a new Balai Raya at Kampong Baru (Londang), about another half a kilometer upland, where many of the people of the kampong have now settled into in housing lots of about half an acre each (correct me if I am wrong about that lots acreage).

What is Balai Raya really? Is it not a community meeting place, for official meetings to discuss the kampong’s affairs and development, a place where people can sit down and talk or even empty chat among themselves, a place where they can play chess or draught or even ‘terup keling’?. The British started the concept of Balai Raya (I believe) and they built many during the (Communist) Emergency; in fact I believe that they built one in each kampong. Lipat Kajang was one of those kampongs.
The sad part about Balai Raya (I observe) is that many are neglected, grass in the compound not cut (is that true for Lipat Kajang?) and doors locked. (What is the purpose of having a Balai Raya if the doors are locked?) And I believe that many of the Balai Rayas are out of bound to many people (even in the kampong ……. not sure for Lipat Kajang) because they have different political orientation. Therefore is the objective of building the Balai Rayas met? Each kampong, I believe, wants a Balai Raya because it was there during the British time, and it has become a culture (higher level than tradition) for a kampong to have a Balai Raya. Is the Balai Raya in this days and age really necessary? Does the Balai Raya serve its purpose like the time the British built it? I believe that the community needs a meeting place but not necessarily a Balai Raya. In the case of kampong Lipat Kajang, the meeting room in the Penghulu’s complex can very well serve as a meeting place for the leaders of the kampong.
My views stand to be challenged.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Par Excellence

Taking the queue from the Guru Besar’s comment (on one of the blogged topics) on the teachers to pupils ratio at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Lipat Kajang,
“Murid-murid kini seramai 76 orang termasuk murid Prasekolah dengan jumlah guru semua seramai 12 orang,”
(The no. of pupils now is 76 including preschool, with the no. of teachers being 12 persons)
I am more likely to say that the ratio is the strength of the School. Less pupils per teacher. This is exactly what many schools (not only in Malaysia but all over the world) want. Teachers now can spend more time with each pupil, and the pupil should gain more knowledge with the more time spent by the teacher. Is that happening in Sekolah Kebangsaan Lipat Kajang? We are looking at pupil par excellence, pupils who can scores (many As) in an examination. Is that happening (scoring many As) in Sekolah Kebangsaan Lipat Kajang?. If its happening, well and good. If it does not happen, why is that so?. From my past experience at that School, when the teachers spent more time with us we became assets to the School (and the kampong) and many of us got good grades to go to good Schools/Colleges in Malaysia (and overseas).
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Needs a lot of sustaining power.


To be called an 'entrepreneurship-success' that is. A son of a Lipat Kajang-ite, doing best what he likes, in Kuantan. The food was good, for the price my wife and I paid. But don't expect a 4 star environment.
We wish him luck in his venture.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
ICT in Lipat Kajang

My working station in Kuantan. Good enough for an old man.
It must have been 5 or 6 years ago, that I happened to meet two Lipat Kajang-ites in Temerloh who told me that they were in town to learn IT. I was surprise as I was unsure if Lipat Kajang had got IT facilities. But I did not asked further, as they told me that they were learning how to check voters list. Fine I thought.
I will be frank here, I do not know if Lipat Kajang has got any PC or similar in the kampong. I would imagine that the Sekolah Kebangsaan Lipat Kajang may have IT facilities, but very basic. I will have to check and confirm that. Any others? I do not know.
Talking to some people from Lipat Kajang, I have been told that it is difficult to connect to internet in Lipat Kajang as well. The reason? The TM (Telekom Malaysia) hard line seems to be down for a long time when its down, for one reason or another. Mostly because of some tree branches or a tree itself fallen on these lines thus cutting communication. And the TM repair team may take a few weeks or months to repair such breakdown, so I am told. If that is the case then TM is not consumer friendly. And it is a waste to have Streamyx hard line communication facilities in the kampong. So Lipat Kajang seems to be purposely left in the dark on ICT. I am just guessing.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Monday, February 9, 2009
A success story.

On the way back to Kuantan today, I stopped at this BP Station about 1 km from the Gombak Toll, eastward, the Station I am told being owned by Sdr Jauhari (I did not know that he is Dato'/Datuk?) whose parents, one side being from Lipat Kajang. I would like to think that we are related somehow.
Unfortunately he had already left for a meeting somewhere. And I met this nice lovely lady, who introduced herself as his wife. It was so nice of her to greet us and she met my wife. Actually I was the one who introduce myself first. I must appologise if I have been too liberal with my introduction.
I must say that I am very proud to know that he is another Lipat Kajang-ite whom I may classified as entrepreneurship-success, and a Dato'/Datuk(?). And he owns a string of BP stations in Kuala Lumpur. I have known no one from Lipat Kajang who can be called a self made entrepreneurship-success and a Dato'/Datuk(?). Anyone knows of anyone else?
We are proud of you Dato'/Datuk(?)
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
People of Lanjut Hulu


Do we know these people who lived in Lanjut Hulu (not Ulu lanjut) (the Sek Keb LK being in the middle and there is Lanjut Hilir, where PokDe Wei's family lives)
guess who are they?
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Ini adalah post untuk saya menerima dan mendapatkan cadangan, pendapat atau pandangan berkaitan dengan SILATURRAHIM KAUM KELUARGA - PERJUMPAAN n PERKENALAN.
Ianya juga untuk melebarkan jaringan untuk menjadikan post ini sebagai daftar/ mendapatkan nama ahli ahli keluarga untuk di jemput.
Jika ada apa apa cadangan pendapat atau pandangan bagi acara tersebut sila kemukakan di post ini dan sila perkenalkan diri untuk saya berhubung dengan Tok Aki/Wan, Pak/Mak, Abang/Kak, saudara/i sekelian di LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG.
Tujuan nya ialah untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim anak anak LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG. Untuk dikenalkan kepada yang tak kenal. Macam saya yang telah merantau rata takut bertembung hidung dengan ahli ahli LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG yang saya tahu semua nya adalah dari satu rumpun.
Cadangan untuk diadakan pada bulan JUN 2009. Tarikh yang ada ialah 6 Jun 2009, belum ditetapkan, ianya juga bergantung kepada keupayaan kedatangan ahli ahli keluarga LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG.
Ianya juga untuk melebarkan jaringan untuk menjadikan post ini sebagai daftar/ mendapatkan nama ahli ahli keluarga untuk di jemput.
Jika ada apa apa cadangan pendapat atau pandangan bagi acara tersebut sila kemukakan di post ini dan sila perkenalkan diri untuk saya berhubung dengan Tok Aki/Wan, Pak/Mak, Abang/Kak, saudara/i sekelian di LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG.
Tujuan nya ialah untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim anak anak LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG. Untuk dikenalkan kepada yang tak kenal. Macam saya yang telah merantau rata takut bertembung hidung dengan ahli ahli LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG yang saya tahu semua nya adalah dari satu rumpun.
Cadangan untuk diadakan pada bulan JUN 2009. Tarikh yang ada ialah 6 Jun 2009, belum ditetapkan, ianya juga bergantung kepada keupayaan kedatangan ahli ahli keluarga LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG.
SURVIVAL - The Economics of Surviving
It is not a matter of just to survive. The matter is more than surviving. The jist is to survive on a higher plateau i.e. standard of living/living standard.
The matter must be instill forcefully into the mindset of LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG.
The survival matters most not to the existing generation but to the younger generations.
They should/must be taught the matters on the survival of LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG as it means their existence and of LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG existence not virtually but physically.
The matter must be instill forcefully into the mindset of LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG.
The survival matters most not to the existing generation but to the younger generations.
They should/must be taught the matters on the survival of LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG as it means their existence and of LIPAT KAJANG PAHANG existence not virtually but physically.
Friday, February 6, 2009
‘Wakaf’ land in Lipat Kajang.
I have heard that there are some ‘wakaf’ land in Lipat Kajang. But its all hearsay, nothing definite as far as I know. Anyway I do not know much about the kampong anymore nowadays, it’s a long time since I have been back.
However from what I have heard (from reliable sources) that certain people who have passed away have left words that all the earnings from some rubber tappings (minus labour and other costs) on certain land are to be given to the mesjid. I do not know how far this is true. But are these land ‘wakaf’ land or are these just verbal wills?
I believe that the Penghulu (Official Headman) of the kampong must have (or should have) a list of ‘wakaf’ land in the kampong, for easy reference by the interested parties in the kampong, so that there is no dispute in the future. The methodology of ‘wakaf’ must be agreed upon to prevent future queries.
I have no definite information or record but I am just throwing the idea into the air.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
However from what I have heard (from reliable sources) that certain people who have passed away have left words that all the earnings from some rubber tappings (minus labour and other costs) on certain land are to be given to the mesjid. I do not know how far this is true. But are these land ‘wakaf’ land or are these just verbal wills?
I believe that the Penghulu (Official Headman) of the kampong must have (or should have) a list of ‘wakaf’ land in the kampong, for easy reference by the interested parties in the kampong, so that there is no dispute in the future. The methodology of ‘wakaf’ must be agreed upon to prevent future queries.
I have no definite information or record but I am just throwing the idea into the air.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Gap.
I cannot fathom the thinking of the youths of Lipat Kajang of today. I can probably imagine what the youths of the last generation of the Lipat Kajang folks now living in the area or even making a living outside the kampong. Those youths who are left in the kampong are probably not exposed to the hustle and bustle of the towns and the cities (some may have). I believe that there is a serious generation gap syndrome taking place. Their thinking in the kampong may be very much different from what I am (or even we are) thinking right now. We may, I hope, have a parallel thinking but it is sad if the thinking are in the opposite directions. At least in the development of Lipat Kajang from the perspective of an old man like I (or the generation close to my generation), who have been living outside Lipat Kajng for a long time.
Getting my (or our) ideas across is the real challenge. Or maybe I (or we) will be on a collision course, which I hope is not, which I am trying to avoid. I have to listen to their views and aspirations. The sound of their heart beat. The signals that they project and the body language that they emit. I have to understand them, for they are the generation that will make or break the kampong society and landscape.
I have some ideas from the older generation who are living in the kampong, but will these ideas be warped ideas from them who have grown up in the kampong at different time?
Trying to bring improvement programmes, for the progress of Lipat Kajang maybe like walking on a thorny path, if what we are trying to project or to bring are not in line with the thinking of the present younger generation of the kampong. Our good intentions may be interpreted as interference, and our thinking may be taken as retrogressive to them. Many of us of the older generation may have gone through life by different paths, and many who are young in the kampong have not trodden the paths which we have gone through.
What is the future like? I cannot imagine. Or have they heard of our ideas? Or are they hearing our ideas right now? If what I sense is true, how do we bridge the gap?
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Getting my (or our) ideas across is the real challenge. Or maybe I (or we) will be on a collision course, which I hope is not, which I am trying to avoid. I have to listen to their views and aspirations. The sound of their heart beat. The signals that they project and the body language that they emit. I have to understand them, for they are the generation that will make or break the kampong society and landscape.
I have some ideas from the older generation who are living in the kampong, but will these ideas be warped ideas from them who have grown up in the kampong at different time?
Trying to bring improvement programmes, for the progress of Lipat Kajang maybe like walking on a thorny path, if what we are trying to project or to bring are not in line with the thinking of the present younger generation of the kampong. Our good intentions may be interpreted as interference, and our thinking may be taken as retrogressive to them. Many of us of the older generation may have gone through life by different paths, and many who are young in the kampong have not trodden the paths which we have gone through.
What is the future like? I cannot imagine. Or have they heard of our ideas? Or are they hearing our ideas right now? If what I sense is true, how do we bridge the gap?
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Monday, February 2, 2009
or lipatkajang.net, looking for sponsor. We are currently using blogspot.com which is a free server for google blogs. It would be of added value if we can have our own server and our own designed homepage. And the homepage be designed by someone who has some experience in designing a homepage, preferably from Lipat Kajang if available, but if not anyone at all who can help us.. Any volunteer?
Once we have our own homepage, we can include all our stuff inside that homepage, this blog and all blogs by Lipat Kajang-ites, old photographs collections (which we can even now start to collect), a Lipat Kajang-ite life story or any story for that matter relating to Lipat Kajang, in fact anything that we want to put in about Lipat Kajang. Don't forget folk lores, which to my mind are important to understand better of who we are. History of Lipat Kajang? To be included if any is available. And to include even e-mails.
I look forward to some sort of response. Come on guys and girls from Lipat Kajang, children, grandchildren, even those married to any Lipat Kajang-ite. For that matter anyone who wants to sponsor our homepage, please come forward.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Once we have our own homepage, we can include all our stuff inside that homepage, this blog and all blogs by Lipat Kajang-ites, old photographs collections (which we can even now start to collect), a Lipat Kajang-ite life story or any story for that matter relating to Lipat Kajang, in fact anything that we want to put in about Lipat Kajang. Don't forget folk lores, which to my mind are important to understand better of who we are. History of Lipat Kajang? To be included if any is available. And to include even e-mails.
I look forward to some sort of response. Come on guys and girls from Lipat Kajang, children, grandchildren, even those married to any Lipat Kajang-ite. For that matter anyone who wants to sponsor our homepage, please come forward.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Future generations of Lipat Kajang

This is my grandson who happens to be born and lives in Kuala Lumpur. He probably will have a different course of life than those now of the same age in Lipat Kajang. I will introduce him to Lipat Kajang, insyaAllah.
What is Lipat Kajang folks doing for the next generations to come, those born in Lipat Kajang now (and those born in the future)?. What are their plans?
I am not familiar with their planning for their generations to come, and I do not know what sort of crystal balls they are gazing at. Have they got a kindergarten of some sort? Have they got a creche’? Or have they got anything at all for those pre-school children.
In other places they normally have either KEMAS (BN Government backed) or PASTI (Islamic political party line). Have the folks of Lipat Kajang thought about establishing KEMAS or PASTI.?
Of course they think about the schooling of their children. At the age of 6 years old it is mandatory that children must go to school. What happens before that?
My personal experience growing up in the kampong, I was never put in a creche’, or any pre-school institution. It was too long ago anyway. But on reaching the age of 4 years old I was made to learn the Koraan, my late grandfather teaching me and when he died my late uncle taught me. And when I was in the Malay school, I learned to read and write well enough to be more advanced than those I met when I went to a boarding school. I was not proficient in English then. I soon learned, I suppose I was forced to learn.
Also at the Malay School then we had the Islamic religious classes after the normal school hours. I already had the basic religious understanding when I left the kampong at the age of 12.
What is happening in the kampong now? Are the kampong folks planning for their young ones so that when (or if) they leave the kampong they will be ready (at least have the basic) to face the world (and the hereafter)?.
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Usrah /Tazkirah (reminders on Islam) in Lipat Kajang.

Seven kinds of people will be sheltered under the shade of God on the Day of Judgment...They are: a just ruler, a young man who passed his youth in the worship and service of God...one whose heart is attached to the mosque...two people who love each other for the sake of God...a man who is invited to sin...but declines, saying 'I fear God'...one who spends his charity in secret, without making a show...and one who remembers God in solitude so that his eyes overflow.
* Riyadh-us-Salaheen, Hadith 376
Admittedly I have not been back for a long time even to pray in the mesjid of Lipat Kajang. I have blogged on how lonely the mesjid looks like today. Probably its just my impression, but I am sure I am right, without doubt.
On Islam in the kampong I am very sure all the Malay kampong folks are Muslim. But I have my doubts if they listen to a (lot?) of usrah / tazkirah (on the religion of Islam). Maybe they do but I do not know. My experience in the nearby kampong where my in-laws are, they do not do much usrah /tazkirah. They are adverse to such practice I observe.
If it is true that the kampong do not listen to usrah /tazkirah, I feel sad for them. Sad in a sense that they are not exposed or made aware of the progress of Islam in those bygone era and of today, though they claim that Islam is their practicing religion.
I believe that the kampong should organise usrah / tazkirah (if they have not done so yet) to make them more aware of what Islam is all about, not that they are not aware but to make them more aware.
I am very sure that the mesjid committee can find good Ustaz (Islam religious teachers) to conduct usrah / tazkirah in the kampong, never mind the kampong bigot or those against such usrah / tazkirah. Hell and heaven are in your own hands, just choose where you want to go (insyaAllah) in the next world.
I have blogged a site where we do usrah / tazkirah in where I live today. The blog http://surau-annaim.blogspot.com
Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)
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