Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Old graves site

Looking at the photo of the above signboard, Lipat Kajang must have been well populated in the 19th Century......... probably earlier than that. Where did the people come from? Orang Asli? Probably not, Orang Asli were not Muslims. I am told that the population come from downriver, some as far as from Pekan. They related to me that in those days when my great-grandfather had 'kenduri', he slaughtered maybe half a dozen buffaloes (probably I am lying but that is what I understood from the stories they told me). And relatives came all the way from Pekan, 'bergalah mudek ke hulu, bermalaman di tepi Sungei Pahang, memakan masa dua tiga hari mudek dan satu dua hari menghilir, bagi makan kenduri di rumah waris di hulu'. My great-grandfather owned a whole field of buffaloes (so I am told again) and many wives. The buffaloes I cannot prove but the many wives I have the evidence of. Almost the whole kampong Lipat Kajang population are my relatives, with one common male factor, my great- grandfather; and these relatives are the children of various named women ....... they themselves know their mothers but I don't. I have not attempted to make a complete family tree, its too complicated. I have done a sort of semblance of a family tree though.

Lipat Kajang people (or decendents) are encouraged to participate& contribute (Orang Lipat Kajang, atau keturunan, di jemput memberi sumbangan idea)

1 comment:

  1. tanah wakaf (tanah perkuburan)lama itu ditutup pada tahun 1886, mungkin pada era generasi moyang kita, atau moyet kita (era of our great grandparents or great great grandparents)
    membawa kesimpulan bahawa Kg Lipat Kajang Pahang pasti sudah ramai penduduknya, satu tanah perkuburan dah tak boleh menampung dah penuh

    logiknya kadar kelahiran adalah melebihi kadar kematian

    maka sudah tentu banyak generasi penduduk sudah terdapat di kampung tersebut se awal tahun 1700M (awal kurun ke lapan belas) tapi kita tidak mempunyai apa apa rekod tentang penerokaan awal Kg Lipat Kajang ini, bila dan siapa siapa peneroka2 awal itu..... penyelidikan perlu dibuat jika kita berminat untuk mengetahui
    dan pasti tidak dapat dibuat atau diusahakan oleh seorang berdua saja
